"For Aluminium Melting & Holding Process, there are two types of basic heat source used throughout the world,” Prakash Maladkar, Managing Director of AFECO
Heat Treatment : Challenges & Solutions In The Aluminium Industry
- Successfully Dispatched AFECO make 300 kg ALUMINIUM MELTING & TILTING FURNACE to Dubai based Company. Electrical Energy Efficient Aluminium Melting Furnace which reduces the power consumption in comparison to the existing conventional melting furnaces.
- "AFECO" Heating Systems Kolhapur Proudly announce that We have dispatches today 3 Container Furnace Material for Export to Czech Republic Via Germany Hamburg Port. In this Pandamic scenario AFECO team members succeed to Manufacture International Quality Furnace product. Which is used in ALUMINIUM Scrap Recycling Application. Thank you very much for AFECO all team members and Thanks for IDBI Bank, Kolhapur for giving timely financial support for export order.
- GREAT Quality Products AFECO Furnace The 3rd consecutive High Quality AFECO product OVEN dispatched today from our Manufacturing Plant to our prestigious customer..... All three consecutive dispatches are being manufactured by AFECO team members after Covid -19 Lockdown period. Within 45 working days and after stringently following All Covid-19 Rules and regulations set by Government we succeed to deliver the products within time frame.
- High Quality "AFECO" Furnace dispatched, PIT Type For Hardening process. For 1200 degree centigrade temperature... with SCADA control Automation with Process control PLC/PID... compatible for Industry V 4.0 Process data acquisition and monitoring system Inbuilt.
"AFECO" Make Heat Treatment plant Hardening Furnace and Tempering Furnace
- Yet another "AFECO" Make Heat Treatment plant Hardening Furnace and Tempering Furnace dispatched today. Our prestigious customer are extremely satisfy with Highest quality of our AFECO make furnaces. Repet orders are receiving from our existing customers. I am very much thankful for our dedicated engineers and team members who are working hard to maintain AFECO higest Quality standards.